Sunday, May 31, 2009

Travel Log - Day 6 Final Day

The drive is over. It was a good drive, it was a long drive, I am so glad I am done with it.
I got up at 5 am got ready and by 5:30 the kids were dressed. They all went potty, brushed hair and we were on the road by 5:45 am. I made it through the drive with only one movie and one book on CD. They slept a lot of the way - which was real nice. We got home just after 5 pm. So the drive itself went quick and we only stopped three times. Twice for gas and one stop just for potty - I really had to go after drinking my 32 oz diet pepsi. I usually don't drink on long drives and I don't let the kids drink much - but I figured doing this drive by myself, I deserved I diet pepsi - or two. I really can't complain much, the kids were really good, just the typical. "Are we there yet?" "I'm hungry" (10 minutes after lunch) "I have to pee."
I am glad we went - so worth the drive - both ways. Next time I think I want to fly down with just me and Brooke. I think Camryn would love to have Brooke down there without any other kids.

1 comment:

Angie said...

We love you Terry family! Thanks for making the long drive down, and braving the heat to visit us. We had so much fun and can't wait to see you in July! Glad you made it home OK!