Friday, May 29, 2009

Travel Log - day 4

Another day just like yesterday. Got up, got going, had breakfast, we did a little shopping before heading over to Bristows. We could tell this morning that we needed to do a little structure for the kids. They played some games and then we got out some crafts; paper, glue, stickers, puff balls, popcycle sticks, crayons, colored pencils. The kids went to town. Brooke and Camryn made puppets for a puppet show. The also decored a box like a tv and preformed tv shows for the other kids. I got some great ideas from Angie for summer weekly programs for the kids. Things to focus on and have something for the kids to do each day. Hopefully that will keep them busy and learning during the summer. We had lunch and then we hung out for a bit, and then went swimming at a neighborhood pool. The kids liked it much better than the one at the hotel. I loved it because it had a shaded area over a little kids pool. I like the sun but my bbody doesn't. We stayed there for a couple of hours. We had some dinner - BBQ beef sandwiches, so tasty. the Angie and I talked Mike into watching the kids while we went and got ColdStone, again tasty. then it was back to home to get the kids and head back to the hotel. The kids did pretty good at going to sleep. They were asleep before I started the blog. So all is good.

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