Friday, February 26, 2010

"I Wanted to Stay Warm"

Each morning is the same routine in waking up the kids.  I open up my door to my room, gingerly walk past "the boy"'s door. I don't want him up yet, it just causes problems.  I go downstairs and wake up Brooke and Phoebe.  Brooke is usually real good, Phoebe I have to coax out of bed and then it is off to Chloe's room.

This morning I walked into Chloe's room and find her laying face down on her sheets.  All the blankets pushed to the bottom of the bed in a heap.  She is face down in her night gown and her winter coat on.  Fully zipped up and hood on.  All I saw was a pink coat piled on the bed.  I busted up.  I lost it. Where was Ron to see this, where was my camera for a picture. I shared the view with Brooke (she laughed too) and then woke Chloe up.

"Chloe? Chloe? Why do you have your coat on?"

Very sleepily she looks at me through her hair. "I wanted to stay warm Mommy."
"Why didn't you use the blankets on your bed?"
Slightly puzzled, she answered "I don't know."

Chloe is such a funny girl.  Drama, goofiness, lovey, and cute all rolled up into one fantastic girl.

1 comment:

Heidi Sue the Mommy crafter said...

That is sooo funny! That girl always makes me smile!