Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today is one of "those" days. We all have them. It is one for me. For some reason I am just not happy. I did the chores today, and I love the way the house looks when I am done but I just don't feel happy. I went to quilting and worked on my quilt, and visited and had a great lunch but I don't know what is up.

The poor kids, I don't even have the patience to do homework with them. I get frustrated that they are not getting simple math concepts. We are making ten. If I have ten, how many more do I need to make ten. I thought that was an easy one - apparently not. I am just going to have to get the fruit loops out and sit down with each child and do homework. That just sounds exhusting because each worksheet takes 30 minutes to an hour for each twin and that is not counting the other homework they have. I know they need to learn it and we as parents need to help the teacher out but seriously, do they not understand with my kids it is an all night affair with some of the worksheets they send home. I want to be in tears on my bed because it.

I have got to get in a better mood. I know my cold isn't helping any and I could use a nap - but I really don't think the nap would help. I must buck up. Go downstairs get one of the twins and get the homework done with her and then move on. Uggh. I hate getting the kids back into a routine. It is hard on all of us. Oh don't push I am moving. I am going. I am gone.

1 comment:

Heidi Sue the Mommy crafter said...

You need a girls night! Take a break from the kids and your work and your hubby and go spoil yourself in something you love. Pamper yourself! You are amazing and you deserve to be happy!