Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 10, 2009

One Whole Decade!

Brooke is such a joy in our family. She is so caring and thoughtful. She has a great giggle and always has something fun for the kids to play. She is a big helper and is always willing to help me when I need it.

I can't believe she has grown up so fast. That she is 10 already, blows me away. She is turning out to be quite a little lady. So in celebration of her 1st decade old, I threw her a party.

The party started on Tuesday when Ron and I took her to The Spaghetti Factory and then out for some miniature golf.

Friday 5 friends were invited over for a Princess Party, but she was a decade old so this was a true Princess Party. First to the Salon for hair-dos and the placing of the tiaras.

Then home to eat Pizza and watch The Princess Protection Program.

We had cake and opened presents. She loved her Princess day. My little 10 year old Princess. Here is to another 10 years of your life. We love you Miss Marie!!


Angie said...

Happy Birthday Brookie!
Cam had so much fun celebrating with you.

Wendy said...

I can't believe it has already been ten years. I remember being at the hospital with you and World Cup was going on. Happy Birthday Brooke!!! We're so happy you are part of our family.