Every year I get with my sister and we do our family photo. Some years we plan ahead and do it in the fall. Some years we are in the snow and it is already December. This year we got it done in November. Not early but not too late. In past years I would go to Walmart buy a roll of film for my sister's camera and then we would go take the whole roll of film of pictures. I would then go back to Walmart and get them developed in 1-hour. Then I would choose the picture, go back to Walmart and have them developed. Oh the process. If I was busy this process took a good couple of weeks to do. Choosing the picture was the hardest.
Ohh the wonderful world of technology. Last Christmas my sister got a D-SLR. So this year was a completely different process. We did 3 poses. We were able to see the pictures right away to see if they would work. We could tweek the colors, lighting, crop it. The pictures were emailed to me. I took them to Walmart and in 1-hour had my family pictures. I like our family picture this year and best of all the wonderful world of technology allowed me to take only ONE trip to Walmart.