Arizona Trip
Oct. 6-14, 2007We had so much fun with the Bristows in Arizona. Here are just some highlights from the trip.
Feeding 7 kids at each meal. We filled up the table and the bar and Angie and I still were left standing at the bar. Here is Phoebe, Dean, Kate & Race having dinner on Saturday night.

Swimming at the hotel pool was fun. All the kids loved the hot tub the best.

We spent a morning at the Children's Museum of Art. The exhibit was on toys. They had all types of toys through the ages to look at. The kids like the ones they could play with. This picture is of a "pinewood" derby style of cars racing. They had twister, build your own robot, building with blocks, making your own game board, and making spinners. They also had a room for children 4 and under and their siblings. This was a great room for all the kids to play!

The girly girls are taking time out at the zoo to rest in the shade on a rock at the Zoo. You can see Ron, Race and the bottom of a giraffe in the background.

Ron and Mike giving Kate and Race a little shower in the misters.

Mike taught Ron how to hunt and kill Arizona scorpions.
It takes a black light, a small torch and a dark sky and a little bit of patience.
Apparently the scorpions glow neon green in the black light. Who knew??

We also went to the Arizona Natural History Museum. They had dinosaurs, and a real alligator and snapping turtle. They had an exhibit on Indians of Arizona, Arizona's film history and in the back courtyard they had panning for gold for the kids. They enjoyed all of the above but loved panning for gold. Chloe came away soaked - but they all had their bag of gold - well pyrite.
These are just a few pictures from our trip. We went shopping, out to eat, to the park, the Science Center and hung out at the hotel and at the Bristow's. It was a great vacation!
The twins learned that cactus does hurt - Mommy was telling the truth, :)